Museum Visions: A Blog Space


This space was created by the Museum Education Roundtable to expand upon the most recent Journal of Museum Education (JME) issue, reflect on member events, and address timely issues that we face in the field of museum work. Read about how to write for our blog here.

JME 44.4: The Past in the Present: The Relevancy of the History of Museum Education Today

EDITORIAL From the Associate Editor Nathaniel Prottas FROM THE GUEST EDITOR The Past in the Present: The Relevancy of the History of Museum Education Today Carissa DiCindio ARTICLES Museums for Somebody: Children’s Museum Professionals and the American Association of Museums (1907–1922) Jessie Swigger The Influence of Progressivism and the Works Progress Administration on Museum Education Carissa DiCindio and Callan Steinmann … Read More

JME 44.3: Virtual Visits: Museums Beaming in Live

EDITORIAL From the Editor-in-Chief Cynthia Robinson FROM THE GUEST EDITOR Virtual Visits: Museums Beaming in Live Allyson Mitchell ARTICLES Defining Interactive Virtual Learning in Museum Education: A Shared Perspective Kasey Gaylord-Opalewski & Lynda O’Leary A Tale of Technology and Collaboration: Preparing for 21st-Century Museum Visitors Allyson Mitchell, Sarah Linn & Hitomi Yoshida Don’t Lose the Connection: Virtual Visits for Older … Read More

JME 44.2: Expanding our Community of Practice: Professional Development in Museums

EDITORIAL Thoughts on the History of Professional Development Programs in Museums Cynthia Robinson FROM THE GUEST EDITOR Expanding Our Community of Practice: Professional Development in Museums Elisabeth Nevins ARTICLES Redefining Professional Learning for Museum Education Lynn Uyen Tran, Preeti Gupta & David Bader Embracing Individualism and Encouraging Personal Style in Gallery Teaching Amy Briggs Kemeza Creating and Sustaining a Culture … Read More

JME 44.1: Museums as Allies: Mobilizing to Address Migration

EDITORIAL From the Editor-in-Chief Cynthia Robinson FROM THE GUEST EDITORS Museums as Allies: Mobilizing to Address Migration Patricia Lannes & Lauren Monsein Rhodes ARTICLES Becoming a Service Provider through Partnerships and Sustained Engagement: Developing Programs with Immigrant and Refugee Audiences in Art Museums Marianna Pegno Myanmar Migrant Workers as Guests of the Nation Wasana Sriprachya-anunt Welcoming (and Learning from) the … Read More