JME 41.2 Health and Wellness in Our Communities: The Impact of Museums
From the Editor-in-Chief
Cynthia Robinson
From the Guest Editors
Health and Wellness in our Communities: The Impact of Museums
Brooke DiGiovanni Evans, Heather Serrill Johnson & Carole Krucoff
Museums and Health: A Case Study of Research and Practice at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan
Andrew Ackerman
Simulation for Authentic Learning in Informal Education
Jason Dupuis & DeDee Ludwig-Palit
Art in the Moment: Evaluating a Therapeutic Wellness Program for People with Dementia and their Care Partners
Lucas Livingston, Gerri Fiterman Persin & Deborah Del Signore
Healing and Empowering Veterans in a Botanic Garden
Barbara Kreski
Refining the Eye: Dermatology and Visual Literacy
Corinne Zimmermann, Jennifer T. Huang & Elizabeth A. Buzney
Fostering Humanism in Medicine through Art and Reflection
Holly C. Gooding, Mariah Quinn, Barbara Martin, Alexandra Charrow & Joel T. Katz
Museum Trunks: Making an Impact on Future Teachers of Social Studies
Victoria Seeger, Timothy J. Wall & Lois J. Herr
Interpreting Difficult History at Museums and Historic Sites by Julia Rose
Ashley Rogers