Museum Visions: A Blog Space


This space was created by the Museum Education Roundtable to expand upon the most recent Journal of Museum Education (JME) issue, reflect on member events, and address timely issues that we face in the field of museum work. Read about how to write for our blog here.

JME 40.3: Common Goals, Common Core: Museums and Schools Work Together

From the Editor-in-Chief From the Editor-in-Chief Cynthia Robinson From the Guest Editor Common Goals, Common Core: Museums and Schools Work Together Carol Ng-He Words & Pictures: Art, Literacy and Common Core Together Juline A. Chevalier Finding Common Ground with the Common Core Heidi Moisan An Art Teacher’s Perspective: The Value of Museum Resources to the Common Core Chrissy Gray-Rodriguez What … Read More

JME 40.2: Distance Learning and Museums

From the Editor-in-Chief Cynthia Robinson From the Guest Editor Going the Distance: Online Learning and the Museum Anne Kraybill Articles Pedagogy and Practice in Museum Online Learning Herminia Din Webcasting for Secondary Students: Notes from the Field Naomi Coquillon and James Staples The Flipped Museum: Leveraging Technology to Deepen Learning Michelle H. Harrell and Emily Kotecki Engaging Students Online with … Read More

JME 40.1: Empowering Museum Educators to Evaluate

From the Editor-in-Chief Cynthia Robinson From the Guest Editors Empowering Museum Educators to Evaluate Joy Kubarek and Laureen Trainer How Do You Start? Building Staff Capacity to Evaluate in Museum Education Joy Kubarek Defining the Scope of Your Evaluation Elizabeth Wood The Ethics of Evaluation in Museums Joe E. Heimlich Data Collection Methods for Evaluating Museum Programs and Exhibitions Amy … Read More