Museum Visions: A Blog Space

Dear Museums

This space was created by the Museum Education Roundtable to expand upon the most recent Journal of Museum Education (JME) issue, reflect on member events, and address timely issues that we face in the field of museum work. Read about how to write for our blog here.

#DearMuseums: Where is DEAI after 2020?

Last year, at the beginning of the global pandemic, MER launched a series called #DearMuseums, in which we asked museum professionals to let us know how they were doing (personally, professionally, and/or all of the above). #DearMuseums proved to be a valuable platform for people to respond to the museum field as a whole. At the beginning of 2021, we … Read More

Dear Museums Week #5: Missing You

Welcome to the fifth week of #DearMuseums. This initiative seeks to document and share stories about how this global crisis is affecting people and their work as museum educators. With each week that passes, we notice that the emotions grow more complex. This week’s post takes a look at the many moods and layers to the feeling of longing. Entry … Read More

#DearMuseums Week 4: Inequity

Are these times really that “unprecedented”? For too long, people of color have been disproportionately affected during crises. The power and privilege that is inherent in museum leadership must be used to center equity or we risk setting back the inclusive efforts within the field. These two entries–one image and one open letter– are powerful reminders of the inequity in … Read More

#DearMuseums Week 3: Working from Home

Welcome to the third week of #DearMuseums! This initiative seeks to document and share stories about how this global crisis is affecting people and their work as museum educators. Tune in to our blog, Facebook, and Twitter every week for selected submissions that capture the current climate through museum educator’s eyes. This week’s theme is “Working From Home” First Entry: … Read More

#DearMuseums Week 2: Anxiety

Welcome to the second week of #DearMuseums!  This initiative seeks to document and share stories about how this global crisis is affecting people and their work as museum educators. Tune in to our blog, Facebook, and Twitter every Monday for selected submissions that capture the current climate through museum educator’s eyes. This week’s theme is “Anxiety.” “Up until this week … Read More

#DearMuseums, Week One: “Uncertainty”

Welcome to the first week of #DearMuseums!  This initiative seeks to document and share stories about how this global crisis is affecting people and their work as museum educators. Tune in to our blog, Facebook, and Twitter every Monday for selected submissions that capture the current climate through museum educator’s eyes. This week’s theme is “Uncertainty.”  All entries this week … Read More

#DearMuseums: A Call for Submissions

Hi…How are you doing?  What do you want to say to your museum, or the field at large? MER is launching an initiative called #DearMuseums that seeks to document and share stories about how this global crisis is affecting people and their work as museum educators. We are requesting submissions of all kinds: long or short narratives, 2-D, 3-D, photography, … Read More