JME 38.1: City Museums and Urban Learning
From the Editors-in-Chief
Cynthia Robinson & Tina R. Nolan
From The Guest Editor
City Museums and Urban Living
Rainey Tisdale
Community Websites: Linking the Personal to Urban History
Annemarie de Wildt
Embracing a New Understanding of the City: The Museum of Vancouver’s Vision in Action
Viviane Gosselin
Looking for New Audiences
Jari Harju & Jyri Kokkonen (Translator)
The Contemporary City as Backbone: Museum Rotterdam Meets the Challenge
Paul Th. van de Laar
Shaping a City Museum’s Future: Developing an Audience-Centered Approach
D. Lynn McRainey
Connecting Londoners with Their City through Digital Technologies
Frazer Swift
Reculturing Museums: Working Toward Diversity in Informal Settings
Doris Ash & Judith Lombana
Practical Partnerships: Strengthening the Museum-School Relationship
Bryna Bobick & Jenny Hornby
What Counts as a Theme in Art Museum Education?
Olga M. Hubard
Teaching Tools in the Olomouc Museum of Art: A Case Study
Marek Šobáň & Petra Šobáňová
Instructions for Authors
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