

JME 39.1: Museums, Universities, & Pre-Service Teachers

Museums, Universities & Pre-Service Teachers

1. From the Editors in Chief

From the Guest Editor

2. Museums, Universities & Pre-Service Teachers
Susan K. Nichols

3. Structuring Historic Site-Based History Laboratories for Teacher Education
Christine Baron

4. Preparing Teachers for Place-Based Instruction at the Tsongas Industrial History Center
Anita Greenwood and Sheila Kirschbaum

5. I Didn’t Realize the Value of Art Museums and Galleries: Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers
Narelle Lemon and Susanne Garvis

6. Learning Museum: A Meeting Place for Pre-Service Teachers and Museums
Tine Seligmann

7. Teacher Education in Informal Settings: A Key Element of Teacher Training
Jan Spencer and Sally Maynard

8. Pre-Service Teacher Training at a Museum School
Ranae Stetson and Nicole Devlin Stroud

9. Reflection: Have You Smelled the Elephant’s Foot?
Bonne Beaudoin

[end of guest-edited section]

Tools, Frameworks, and Case Studies

10. Elementary Reflections: Case Study of a Collaborative Museum/School Curatorial Project
Anissa S. Ford, Eileen Baumfeld Lerner, and Viki D. Thompson Wylder

11. Before We Were Us, We Were Them: Curating Controversy
Keri Watson

What the Research Says

11. Connecting Students Around the World through a Collaborative Museum Education Program
Katie L. Gillespie and Leah M. Melber