JME 46.1: Shared Challenges? Transatlantic Perspectives on Museums in the US and Germany

An American in the German-Speaking World: A View from Both Sides of the Atlantic
Nathaniel Prottas
Shared Challenges? Transatlantic Perspectives on Museums in the US and Germany
Sarah Junk Hatcher & Lorenz Kampschulte
Directors’ Perspective: A Transatlantic Discussion on the Role of Museums
Barbara Stauffer & Britta Horstmann
Creating Better Transatlantic Understandings: Defining Our Terms
Sarah Junk Hatcher, Vanessa Hirsch & Heike Zech
Repatriation, Public Programming, and the DEAI Toolkit
Elizabeth Bazan, Samuel W. Black, Nike Thurn & Frank Usbeck
Expanding Museum Communities: International Perspectives on Access in Exhibition Design and Public Programs
Lorena Bradford, Abigail Diaz & Ruth Schilling
Using Participation and Empathy to Inspire Positive Change: A Transcontinental Conversation
Julie Garner & Eva Rossmanith
Non-visitors: Who Are They and What Should We Do About Them?
Antje Kluge-Pinsker & Barbara Stauffer
Changing Museums Through Cooperation and Collaboration
Lorenz Kampschulte & Sarah Junk Hatcher
Perceptions of Possibilities: An Exploration of Transatlantic Collaboration
Heather Harris, Sarah Junk Hatcher & Lorenz Kampschulte
Take Me To Greece: Exploring Intergenerational Interactivity in a Mixed Reality Children’s Museum Exhibition
Rojin Vishkaie, Teddy Seyed, Claire Thoma Emmons & Dirk vom Lehn
Collaboration and Competition in Exhibit Facilitation Around Energy Literacy
Lauren R. Applebaum, C. Aaron Price & Anjylla Y. Foster
Small Tech, Big Impact: Twenty-First Century Educational Collaborations to Preserve and Share Rural Museum Collections
Sara Clarke-Vivier, Raven Bishop & Julie Markin
The Future as Fantasy: What Does It Mean to Discuss the Future with Children and Young People in the Context of Art Space Education?
Lucy Smalley
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